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Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Museo | Birmingham | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

El Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery es un importante centro cultural en el corazón de Birmingham, Inglaterra, que alberga una extensa colección de obras de arte, artefactos y objetos históricos. La colección abarca diferentes épocas e incluye pinturas, esculturas, cerámicas, joyas, hallazgos arqueológicos y artefactos industriales, entre otros. Destaca la extensa colección de obras de los prerrafaelitas, como pinturas de Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones y Ford Madox Brown. Además, el museo cuenta con una significativa colección de obras de arte de los siglos XVIII y XIX, así como obras de artistas como J.M.W. Turner y Edward Burne-Jones.

El edificio en sí es una obra maestra arquitectónica de estilo neoclásico y fue inaugurado en 1885. Con varios espacios de galerías, incluyendo la icónica Galería Circular y la Galería Industrial, que albergan una variedad de exposiciones y eventos. Los interiores están ricamente decorados y ofrecen un impresionante telón de fondo para las obras expuestas.

Además de las exposiciones permanentes, el BMAG organiza regularmente exposiciones temporales, programas educativos y eventos que atraen a un amplio público. El museo es un componente importante de la vida cultural en Birmingham y atrae a numerosos visitantes cada año. Es parte del Birmingham Museums Trust, una de las mayores fundaciones de museos independientes en el Reino Unido, que también gestiona otros ocho museos en la ciudad.

En general, el Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery ofrece una visión integral de la historia del arte y la cultura, siendo un elemento indispensable del patrimonio cultural de Birmingham.

Datos de contacto



Chamberlain Sq
B3 3DH Birmingham

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 17:00
Miércoles10:00 - 17:00
Jueves10:00 - 17:00
Viernes10:00 - 17:00
Sábado10:00 - 17:00


8639 Reseñas

David J Millar

Lovley few hours spent viewing some fantastic art
Ian Robson

SO glad this has reopened now! It is absolutely gorgeous. Esp the Cafe ! Free to enter.
Chiara D'Ascenzo

I came to the gallery to admire the Pre-Raphaelite masterpiece, but I sadly discovered that the real Gallery is closed indefinitely. At the ground floor you can enjoy an exhibition showing items literally collected from the rubbish and some useless "pieces of art" that make it clear that the direction of the gallery Is soaked in woke ideology. Ridiculous. (Maybe the pre-raphaelites were too white to be valorized?)
Chris Gibbs

Wildlife photographers of the year, excellent exhibition but the signage in the museum was v poor & it took a while to find the exhibition
Stephanie Richards-Gooch

It's so lovely to see this reopening after such a long time. It's always worth a visit. Interesting exhibits and fantastic to see the portraits by the Portrait Artist of the Year 2020. The Vivienne portrait took me by surprise, and after the recent tragic news, I found it very moving.
Dave Marsden

Nice place to visit and some lovely art work and displays. It wasn't all open when we visited but it kept us busy for about over and a half hours.
Kshitij Tambe

Lovely museum
Dawn Plant

Great place to visit, beautiful art work and a lovely cafe
Malik Taimoor Hassan Awan

Stuart Forster

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is in a magnificent building complex in the heart of the city. I found it worth visiting for that reason. Unfortunately, I found the exhibitions lacklustre and the legends, which could have shared all kinds of interesting information, disappointingly dumbed down. The push to emphasise the impact of ordinary people and the population's diversity may well be inclusive but it makes for a pretty dull place to visit.
jexin varghese

It has great exterior and interior is filled with art and it's explanations. Surprise was there were Indian artist works also
Roberto Henley

Bit disappointed that the renowned Birmingham artist David Cox painting was so difficult to view.
Billy J Jackson

Obviously brilliant. Went to a smaller space around the corner near Margret street to see the nature photography competition. Fantastic space, excellently curated for an immersive experience. Support this venue, it's one of the best in Brum and when it's finally open again I'm sure will be even better than previously.
Suzie Cooper

Great exhibition. Tried to get a table in the Victorian Tea Rooms but, sadly nothing available
Rodolfo „Rod&tronik“ Stragapede

Jonty Carter

Fabulous place to see local art and masterpieces that live forever.
Steven Holland

Nice to see it open again. Some lovely pictures.
Tony Fletcher

It's ok to kill an hour but not much in here
Nigel Forster

Stephen Wood

The museum has recently reopened after a long period of refurbishment. However, there's a limited number of exhibits open to the public. It makes for a short visit. It will be better when it fully reopens at some future date. The cafe/tea shop is excellent. All it's all free. A short distance from the Station and close to some fine buildings in the centre of Birmingham.


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